Allocate the true cost to fields

for equipment, labor, and fuel

Step 1:  hands-free technology shows the actual cost-to-serve a field,

Step 2:  auto analyzes to show back unrealized profits

Step 3:  enables you to optimize cash-rent, fields portfolio, processes



America’s Seed Fund powered by NSF awards $200 million annually to startups and small businesses, transforming scientific discovery into products and services with commercial and societal impact.

America’s Seed Fund is congressionally mandated through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. The NSF is an independent federal agency with a budget of about $8.1 billion that supports fundamental research and education across all fields of science and engineering.

Showing the sources of unrealized profits to farmers and custom operator is why we exist. Downtime and overtime kills fields profits. Worst it is untraceable for equipment, labor, and fuel shared across farm fields.

WISRAN technology allocates the consumption cost to field for equipment, labor, and fuel shared across fields.

Farmers and custom operators track the average cost per acre, in which they divide the total cost of equipment by total acres. The average method doesn’t show what was actually happened at each field.

Invisible Profits Losses. We found big differences between the average and the actual cost per acre. Not tracking the actual time and cost of field is killing profits.


Hands-Free Cost Allocation to Field

The cost allocation technology measures, records, and shows back the true operating spend by field.

Financial Impact Analsis

Technology to analyze the financial impact of fieldwork performance.

Monitoring of Equipment, Trucks

Remotely see the mix fleet of different make, model and age, wherever they are, in a single view to improve communication and productivity.

Client Cases

Coming soon.

I need to track fields where equipment is overtime due to customers' unique requirements so that I can adjust my pricing for that customer.


I'm in


Arsalan Lodhi

Justin Durdan

Arsala Khan

Qummer Laiq

usman syed

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